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50585 Quadrix (2017) - SEE-DF - Professor - Inglês / Inglês

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In paragraph 3, using in spite of the fact that instead of “Although” will not affect the meaning of the sentence.

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50586 Quadrix (2017) - SEE-DF - Professor - Inglês / Inglês

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“all day" (line 8) has the same meaning as every day.

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50587 Quadrix (2017) - SEE-DF - Professor - Inglês / Inglês

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“the Japanese” (line 4) refers to a single person from Japan.

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50666 Quadrix (2017) - SEE-DF - Professor - Inglês / Inglês

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The sentence “the inspectors recommend the introduction of ‘homework charters’” (lines 5 and 6) can be expressed as follows: The inspectors recommend to introduce “homework charters”.

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50667 Quadrix (2017) - SEE-DF - Professor - Inglês / Inglês

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The idea expressed by “should” in “we should inform the population” (lines 4 and 5) can also be expressed by ought to.

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50668 Quadrix (2017) - SEE-DF - Professor - Inglês / Inglês

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The preposition “up” in “crept up” (line 6) is optional.

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53886 Quadrix (2017) - SEE-DF - Professor - Inglês / Inglês

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In 1993 the dog population in Britain increased by 7 million.

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53887 Quadrix (2017) - SEE-DF - Professor - Inglês / Inglês

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In “the inspectors” (line 5), the definite article can be omitted.

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53888 Quadrix (2017) - SEE-DF - Professor - Inglês / Inglês

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not anymore is a correct alternative to “no longer” (line 1).

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53889 Quadrix (2017) - SEE-DF - Professor - Inglês / Inglês

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Both yet and nevertheless express the same idea as “However” in paragraph 2.

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