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49205 EXCELÊNCIA (2017) - Prefeitura de Camboriú - SC - Professor - Inglês / Inglês

Which sentence below the ING gives the idea

of a continuing action?

  • a)

    I love going out with my family on weekends

  • b)

    She shouldnt travel without speaking to her mother

  • c)

    They are working overtime tonight

  • d)

    None of the above

49207 EXCELÊNCIA (2017) - Prefeitura de Camboriú - SC - Professor - Inglês / Inglês

We live in a society and in which the ability to

obtain, work, disseminate,

grouping, classifying and, above all, building

knowledge determines our position and space. It is

expected that today the educator should be ready

to adapt to the new. In that, it is able to learn the

new knowledge, to reflect on them and to solve the

problems that may arise. Thinking over the role of

the professor in the English teaching language,

choose the correct alternative.

  • a)

    Extend the communication horizon of the teacher beyond his or her language community, that is, to make it understand that there is a heterogeneity in the use of any language, heterogeneity in this contextual, social, cultural and historical.

  • b)

    Making the student understands that in certain contexts (formal, informal, official, religious, oral, written, etc.), in certain historical moments (in the distant past, a few years back in the present), in other communities (in your own neighborhood, in your own city, in your country, as in other countries), people belong to different groups in different contexts and they need to communicate in different and different ways.

  • c)

    Make the apprentice understands, therefore, that there are several ways of organizing, categorizing and expressing the human experience and of carrying out financial interactions through language.

  • d)

    None of the above

49210 EXCELÊNCIA (2017) - Prefeitura de Camboriú - SC - Professor - Inglês / Inglês

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Read the sentence below and choose the

correct alternative.

„Just imagine being stuck in a tiny office with John

all day

  • a)

    The speaker probably loves John

  • b)

    The speaker probably doesnt like John at all

  • c)

    The speaker cant wait to be with John again

  • d)

    None of the above

53757 EXCELÊNCIA (2017) - Prefeitura de Camboriú - SC - Professor - Inglês / Inglês (SAE)

Read the text, find the mistake and choose the

correct alternative.

  • a)
    The boy should have asked another person
  • b)
    The man should have asked another question
  • c)
    The boy was lost and the man is his father
  • d)
    None of the above

53758 EXCELÊNCIA (2017) - Prefeitura de Camboriú - SC - Professor - Inglês / Inglês (SAE)

The proposed contents for the third and fourth cycles are based on the fact that the use of language in communication involves the knowledge (word and textual organization) and the ability to use this knowledge for the social construction of meanings in comprehending written and oral production. The contents are organized around four axes: world knowledge, systemic knowledge, types of text and attitude. Considering this explanation, choose the alternative that presents the right facts about the contents in the English language teaching.

  • a)
    The organization by axes seeks to highlight the importance of each one of them in the process of teaching and learning. They should not, however, be treated independently, since there is a connection between the contents indicated in each one of them
  • b)
    The focus in content management should not be on learning strategies of constructing meanings through the Foreign Language, since the discursive engagement of the student is not emphasized by providing the learning of a language through the learning of how to use it.
  • c)
    The starting point for the treatment of the contents is by the student's previous knowledge about his or her mother tongue; Therefore, the main criteria of grading the units is the familiarity the students have with their teachers, the contents dont matter.
  • d)
    None of the above

53759 EXCELÊNCIA (2017) - Prefeitura de Camboriú - SC - Professor - Inglês / Inglês (SAE)

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The phrasal verb „make up for is the same as:

  • a)
    To help
  • b)
    To consider
  • c)
    To compensate
  • d)
    None of the above

53804 EXCELÊNCIA (2017) - Prefeitura de Camboriú - SC - Professor - Inglês / Inglês (SAE)

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„Sprung is the participle of which verb?

  • a)
    To sprang
  • b)
    To spring
  • c)
    To spreng
  • d)
    None of the above

58915 EXCELÊNCIA (2017) - Prefeitura de Camboriú - SC - Professor - Inglês / Inglês (SAE)

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Read and classify this sentence: „… she is disappointed not to have received the higher amount…

  • a)
    The sentence presents a comparative adjective
  • b)
    The sentence presents a superlative adjective
  • c)
    There is no adjective in this sentence
  • d)
    None of the above

58916 EXCELÊNCIA (2017) - Prefeitura de Camboriú - SC - Professor - Inglês / Inglês (SAE)

In the sentence „Weve been dating for some time now can be classified as:

  • a)
    A present perfect sentence
  • b)
    A present perfect progressive sentence
  • c)
    A past perfect progressive sentence
  • d)
    None of the above

58917 EXCELÊNCIA (2017) - Prefeitura de Camboriú - SC - Professor - Inglês / Inglês (SAE)

According to the English correct pronunciation, which of these words has a different „s sound?

  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    None of the above