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143497 CESPE (2014) - Instituto Rio Branco - Diplomata / Inglês

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The first review implies that the book author’s point of view is explicit in the narrative, whereas the second indicates the book presents an impartial account of the state of affairs.

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143498 CESPE (2014) - Instituto Rio Branco - Diplomata / Inglês

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Karachi has become ungovernable due to its warfare constant condition.

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143499 CESPE (2014) - Instituto Rio Branco - Diplomata / Inglês

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According to Makin, Americans are dissatisfied with the Federal Reserve because of its inability to cater for unemployment and slow economic growth.

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143500 CESPE (2014) - Instituto Rio Branco - Diplomata / Inglês

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The author compares the Federal Reserve’s post-financial crisis policy with the pre-financial policy which consisted of supporting asset markets financially whenever they were at risk.

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Questão anulada pela banca organizadora do concurso.

143501 CESPE (2014) - Instituto Rio Branco - Diplomata / Inglês

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It has moved away from its sole original mission of supporting the financial system in times of crisis.

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143502 CESPE (2014) - Instituto Rio Branco - Diplomata / Inglês

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The seeds of the destruction of the family in America can be ultimately found in people’s inability to rise above the trivialization of personal relations.

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143503 CESPE (2014) - Instituto Rio Branco - Diplomata / Inglês

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The less emphasis Americans place on the procreative role of sex, the more likely they are to succeed in enjoying playful sex.

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143504 CESPE (2014) - Instituto Rio Branco - Diplomata / Inglês

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He describes some of the build-up to a battle between adherents of Islam and Christians.

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143505 CESPE (2014) - Instituto Rio Branco - Diplomata / Inglês

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Soldiers needed this water to quench their thirst since this battle probably took place in a dry place.

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143506 CESPE (2014) - Instituto Rio Branco - Diplomata / Inglês

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Standards and banners were not key items in the war paraphernalia Christians had at their disposal in medieval times.

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