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207345 CEPERJ (2013) - SEDUC-RJ - Professor - Língua Inglesa / Inglês

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Theories, assumptions and beliefs about the nature of language and language learning are defi ned at a specifi c level, which encompasses a number of:

  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)

208916 CEPERJ (2013) - SEDUC-RJ - Professor - Língua Inglesa / Inglês

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The passive voice in the excerpt “Until recently, it had been considered a laughably inappropriate destination for a motherdaughter trip.” (lines 16–17) is being used because the agent:

  • a)
    has to be highlighted
  • b)
    is inexplicit and pronominalized
  • c)
    is unknown and generalized
  • d)
    must be inanimate and unspecifi ed
  • e)
    should be made explicit and is nominalized

208917 CEPERJ (2013) - SEDUC-RJ - Professor - Língua Inglesa / Inglês

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The most suitable title for the New York Times text, bearing in mind its overall communicative function, is “Rio:

  • a)
    the best of everything”
  • b)
    paradise on Earth”
  • c)
    still decadent after all this time”
  • d)
    not enough time for the Olympics”
  • e)
    a visit with eyes wide open”

209711 CEPERJ (2013) - SEDUC-RJ - Professor - Língua Inglesa / Inglês

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The function of does in “The place does make Miami look like Cleveland” (line 14) is typical of :

  • a)
    lexical verbs
  • b)
  • c)
    substitute verbs
  • d)
    complex auxiliaries
  • e)
    emphatic declaratives

209712 CEPERJ (2013) - SEDUC-RJ - Professor - Língua Inglesa / Inglês

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The choice of lexical items in the third paragraph implies that the author:

  • a)
    believed everything she read about Rio in the news
  • b)
    consulted sources that she did not regard as trustworthy
  • c)
    acknowledged that Rio de Janeiro had changed for the better
  • d)
    felt unsure about what Rio de Janeiro was really like
  • e)
    reckoned that local authorities had fought crime effectively

211985 CEPERJ (2013) - SEDUC-RJ - Professor - Língua Inglesa / Inglês

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According to Thornbury (1997:151), a number of factors can determine the selection of vocabulary items for teaching. One of them is Coverage, which refers to how:

  • a)
    often the item occurs in natural language
  • b)
    easy it is to learn and remember the item
  • c)
    simple it is to present, teach and test the item
  • d)
    relevant the item is to the students’ needs.
  • e)
    varied the contexts in which the item may be used are

216802 CEPERJ (2013) - SEDUC-RJ - Professor - Língua Inglesa / Inglês

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Demonstrative pronouns in English may be used in different ways to refer to segments of a text or ideas within a text. In the excerpt “This was part of why my 7-year-old daughter and I traveled to Rio in December.”, (lines 8-9) the pronoun this refers to the fact that the writer wanted to:

  • a)
    see the most sensual city in the world
  • b)
    pay a visit to a place that outshines Miami
  • c)
    set eyes on contrasting sea, sky and landscape
  • d)
    experience urban beauty worthy of applause
  • e)
    determine the reason why tourists had never ceased to visit Rio

216803 CEPERJ (2013) - SEDUC-RJ - Professor - Língua Inglesa / Inglês

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The main communicative function of the second paragraph is to:

  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)

217241 CEPERJ (2013) - SEDUC-RJ - Professor - Língua Inglesa / Inglês

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The function of does in “The place does make Miami look like Cleveland” (line 14) is typical of :

  • a)
    lexical verbs
  • b)
  • c)
    substitute verbs
  • d)
    complex auxiliaries
  • e)
    emphatic declaratives

217242 CEPERJ (2013) - SEDUC-RJ - Professor - Língua Inglesa / Inglês

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The choice of lexical items in the third paragraph implies that the author:

  • a)
    believed everything she read about Rio in the news
  • b)
    consulted sources that she did not regard as trustworthy
  • c)
    acknowledged that Rio de Janeiro had changed for the better
  • d)
    felt unsure about what Rio de Janeiro was really like
  • e)
    reckoned that local authorities had fought crime effectively